Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Happy" National Autism Awareness Month?

Yes, April is National Autism Awareness Month. Ensuring that folks across the country are educated about autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a great thing. Of course in our family, autism awareness happens every month ... every day ... almost every hour.

Evan having Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is a bittersweet part of our family life. Parenting a child with AS or any ASD is hard work, to put it mildly. But if Evan didn't have Asperger's he wouldn't really be our Evan, would he?

In honor of this special month, we're planning to blog on the subject of autism every day. Thank you for indulging us. In return, we hope to give you a closer view into Evan's world and what it's like to live in the world of autism and Asperger's Syndrome.

Here are a couple of links to get you started:
- From CNN - Asperger's: My life as an earthbound alien
- Asperger's Syndrom OASIS


Mateo "El" Barbero said...

That explains all the articles I've received in my RSS reader. I was fascinated to read on CNN about how little scientists know about what triggers autism.

I look forward to learning more about this part of your world.

Tristan said...

As a professional who has worked a lot with autism--I can whole heartedly say that you, my friend are a hero. Just as you said, being a parent of an autistic child is hard work. And the way you, Matt, and many other parents embrace that hard work and celebrate their child's accomplishments and uniqueness never fails to impress me. God gave you Evan because he knew you and Matt were the perfect parents for someone so special. You guys rock...and so do your cute boys! Miss you,

NatMatt said...

We love you, Barber. I left a few of the kitchen cupboards open tonight in your honor.

And Tristan, we will get together. We will! :-) I'm still saying it!