Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where have we been?

Oh my gosh! Somehow I checked and it's been about two weeks since we last posted here. I have no idea how that happened ... we've been distracted by life's challenges lately, I think. Anyway, I don't feel much like writing, but I did want to share some recent photos of our beautiful boys (and just a few of their beautiful cousins!) from our midwest trip.

A little hint: you can click on each photo to view it much bigger in your browser, if you feel like it. Love to all!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Midwest adventures, part 2

So, we're innocently driving from Minneapolis to my grandma's small town in Southeast Minnesota and Evan decides he has to go to the bathroom for the, I don't know, 100th time? Matt and I swear we stopped at every McDonald's along that stretch to use the facilities. Make that for Evan to use the facilities.

Anyway, we spot a McDonald's off the highway near Blue Earth, a town I remember from childhood jaunts from Red Wing to Round Lake (grandma's town). What I don't remember is the 50 foot Jolly Green Giant statue standing guard over the miles and miles of surrounding cornfields.

What self-respecting family could resist such a photo opportunity??

I know, I know. It has to end innappropriately. Sorry about that - but isn't it funny? haha