Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cows 'R' Us

Evan loves cows. I can't explain it. It started before he turned two - possibly inspired by "Old MacDonald" - a song which I thought at one point would drive me mad if I heard or sang it one more time.

Cows have survived other revolving obsessions like the Backstreet Boys, the Bruce Sprinsteen Live DVD, Power Rangers SPD, Spider-man, Leopards, Star Wars. They are "special interest" numero uno - and Evan still claims that he wants to be a farmer when he grows up.

Our area of South Chandler rests on the edge of suburban and rural. We still have horses and sheep and cows on various acreages near our house. In fact, there's a dairy farm directly on our way to the freeway.

It never fails that my 9 year old son has to point out each and every cow that he sees - and then he'll throw in the horses for good measure.

"Mom, did you see that cow?"

Yes, I did. And I saw it this morning when we drove past it, and yesterday on the way to the mall, and last week on the way to your guitar lesson, and I'm sure it will be there tomorrow. Just like Evan's love of cows.


Anonymous said...

With Jack, it is most likely event driven: His Birthday, going on vacation(this entails looking at the website of the campsite or hotel a million times), Christmas, etc. But by far the one for me that is the BIRTHDAY!! We have a rule that he can only start talking about the B-Day two months before....Oy Vey!! His Birthday is in May, only a little over a month away...It will be a campout in the backyard with 4 or 5 friends. He can talk about it again tomorrow (i needed a break :-))

NatMatt said...

That is hilarious. I know that in real life it doesn't feel hilarious and it gets annoying, but when you step back from it ... when you thought of yourself as a parent, did you ever think you'd be setting limits on how much your son could talk about his birthday? I certainly didn't think I'd be hearing incessant discussion about farm animals at this stage. :-) Hang in there, Jack is great.