Friday, July 20, 2007

Love is good

Last night I tucked Bennett in to sleep (for either the fourth or fifth time, I can't remember), gave him a big hug, and told him I loved him. After a thoughtful pause, he laid this one on me:

"Mom, why is love so good?"

I had to ask him to repeat himself because I was so surprised (although why I'm ever surprised by deep thoughts from Bennett I don't know). He asked his question again in a way that told me this wasn't just a throwaway question, he really wanted to know. Of course, there are few throwaway questions that come from Bennett - his curiosity is one of his very best qualities.

I thought for a little bit about how to respond, and then told him that love is so good because that's what we were made for, that God designed us to love each other and to love him. So when we do what we were made to do, it feels good inside.

I'm not sure if that's the "right" answer, but it seemed to satisfy him. So what do you think? What would your answer have been? Why IS love so good?


Unknown said...

All I have to say about this one is..."Amen Sister! Keep on Preaching"

Unknown said...

And another thing....Yes, Love is definitely good. But do you know what's almost as good as Love.....The Grocery Game and Map My Run websites! I didn't know about those websites until I read your blog....they are awesome and I plan to use them now. So thanks for the tips!