Sunday, July 15, 2007

Beware of "Mouse Trap"

Mouse Trap may be the most annoying board game ever created ... at least from a parent's point of view. First, it takes forever to set up initially. Then, its pieces fall apart constantly during the game. Next, we spend half the game trying to keep the kids from spontaneously "turning the crank" to catch other mice, which if we are all really honest, is the whole point. Lastly, the boys aren't really interested in any aspects of the game except "turning the crank," so it turns out to be 30 minutes or so of kid chaos and parent frustration. Just imagine, 30 minutes with kids in this state of mind:

Cute, but a little much after a couple of minutes. Can you tell it was Morris Family Game Night tonight? This is a little ritual that we started once we realized that Evan and Bennett had seen every episode of "America's Funniest Home Videos," which used to be our Sunday night family tradition. So, the kids got older and we moved on to board games. On the menu tonight, Mouse Trap (obviously), Dora Candyland, and an awesome thing you should check out called Fun Folio: Family Edition - it's from Cranium and if you are a family that is in any way creative and silly, you'll have a blast with it. Plus, when we're done, we'll have a family memory book to boot. Love the double duty!

The evening ended with a "Funny Face Contest."

Matt won by a vote of 3-1 (I was the runner up - sigh). What do you think?


The Beewee said...

those funny faces are....funny. My blog has been updated for your viewing pleasure. Now add me to your links. I demand it! Okay...purtee please.

NatMatt said...

Fine, fine. Meez Kewl has been added. Now please return the favor before I once again deny my friends and family a link to your world. You don't scare me with your demands!! :-)

Unknown said...

Ok, so I've noticed that you have learned to Blog, publish your photos, make your home movies and upload them to when are you going to set up the webcam so we can video chat for free?


NatMatt said...

Uh, that one is in Matt's technological corner. 'Nuff said. :-)

Actually, I'm glad you reminded me about that. I'll ask him about it tomorrow and we'll see what we can do!

- Natalie