Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Villain Who Tried To Hurt Spider-Man

We're back! Sorry it took so long, but since we got back from vacation I've been in a writing fog (writing that actually pays me something, I mean) and had a deadline today. Now my stories are sent off, I can breathe for a couple of minutes, and I wanted to share what's been keeping Evan in a writing fog this week. All I can say is, you've gotta love a Spider-man lovin' 8 year old's story! My two favorite lines: "Venom kicked Spider-man in the face. Spider-man kicked him back."

Love, Natalie

P.S. Vacation updates and photos coming soon!

The Villain Who Tried To Hurt Spider-Man
By Evan Morris

One night Peter was watching T.V. with M.J. in the living room. Then a mysterious villain crashed through the window. They were so shocked!! He was creepy with a black suit. Peter changed into Spider-man. The villain took Spider-man to his lair.

In his lair was a cage to capture Spider-man. He put Spider-man in the cage. The bars were made of super strong metal. Spider-man could not break free of the cage. The villain went “roal!” and said, “You’ll never break free of my cage, Spider-man.” There was a white spider on his black suit. M.J. kept looking and looking but she still didn’t find Spider-man. Just then the villain said, “You like my old cage, Spider-man?” in a sarcastic voice.

Just then Mary Jane found the villain’s lair and got Spider-man free. “Are you okay, Spider-man?” said Mary Jane. “I sure am, M.J.,” said Spider-man. All of a sudden, Mary Jane found out who the villain was. It was Venom! Venom was surprised that Mary Jane had freed Spider-man. Spider-man shot his web at Venom but Venom broke free easily. Next, Venom shot his black web at Spider-man and Spider-man broke free too. Spider-man and Venom started battling for good. They battled and battled. Venom kicked Spider-man in the face. Spider-man kicked him back. Finally the steel bars fell from the ceiling of the lair and the symbiote got off of Venom. Then Spider-man discovered Venom’s true identity – Eddie Brock. Eddie Brock said “Noooo, my precious symbiote!” One of the steel bars fell on Eddie and he was defeated. Venom was never heard from again.

The End

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, first of all, I have to say "I loved your story, Evan! Keep on writing."

Second, NatMatt why is your 8 year old son's vocabulary much greater than mine. Seriously, I had to look up the word "symbiote" to help me understand the story.

Third, were Peter and M.J. really just "watching tv" in the living room when the villain crashed through the window.

Fourth, we all know that the true hero of the story was actually Mary Jane. Without her help, Spiderman would have been killed....and she's hot....I mean smart!

Glad you are back and blogging again!
