I love the monsoon season. It's one of my favorite things about living in Arizona. Summer temperatures go down a little (okay, 101 or so, but down is down), humidity goes up, and the afternoon storms roll in almost every day. Thunder, lightning, downpours of rain, walls of dust - it's quite dramatic and helps the local weather guys actually earn their keep. Living on the southeast edge of the Valley (less than a mile away from open desert stretching down to Tucson), we tend to get feel the effects of the monsoon more than more Central parts of the area. I couldn't be happier.
Last Friday, we had a burst of rain early in the evening. It was unusual, because there was no dust, no lightning, and just a little thunder involved, so we felt safe letting the kids (and me!) play in it. Here's proof:
Hi NatMatt,
I am writing to you from beautiful Kauai. Nadine and I are vacationing this week...but I'm still reading your blogs!
The Northern Coast of Kauai(besides the blue ocean, mild 80 degree weather, lush tropical plants, and fresh coconuts) is somewhat similar to Arizona and it's monsoon rains. On the north side of Kauai, the temperature highs hit the upper 80's while the lows dip into the mid 70's, BUT it rains, sometimes down pours every night. I love being able to just stand in the pouring rain, and sweat at the same time. I guess I should plan a vacation out to Arizona one of these days!
I love that, on the group photo, each one of you has a completely different (yet appropriate) expression.
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