So last night, the four of us were discussing the fact that it was Grandpa's birthday the next day. It went something like this, nearly word for word, I swear:
Natalie: Hey, it's Grandpa's birthday tomorrow!
Bennett: I call him Papa or Grandfather. But I don't call him Loren.
(Editor's note - we've never heard Bennett call him Grandfather. Back to the dialogue.)
Natalie: So, what should we do for Papa's birthday?
Bennett: Bite his knee?
General laughter, encouraging the silliness.
Evan: Suck his thumb?
More laughter meaning, of course, that the silliness will only escalate.
Bennett: Sing Happy Birthday, dig a hole and throw him in it?
Uncomfortable laughter as we ponder for the first time whether Bennett's future lies with the mob.
Evan: Throw him in the pool?
Ah, now that sounds like the perfect way to celebrate someone's 61st birthday!
Natalie: Maybe we could get him something for his birthday.
Bennett: A book?
Finally an answer that seems normal. We rejoice!
Natalie: That's a good idea. What kind of book?
Bennett: A book with no pictures.
Also logical.
Natalie: Hmmm...maybe. What should the book be about? What does Papa like to do?
Bennett: Work. So we could get him a working book.
We love four year olds.
Finally a decision is made about what Papa's birthday gift should be. But regardless, we love you Papa or Grandpa or Grandfather or whatever your name is.
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