By the way, it's been a while since anyone commented and I also got an e-mail from my sister-in-law (the lovely Lisa) that she was having technical difficulties posting a comment. Is everyone else having technical difficulties or am I just talking to myself? I'm okay with talking to myself, just want to help if folks are having trouble. :-)
Hey Nat,
Nope, you aren't just talking to yourself...you've still got an audience of readers. I think many of your readers are just a bit too lazy to comment.
More ways to have fun with your blog:
- Goto Google.com
- In the search box type one of these exact phrases below, including the quotation marks, and click on the search button...
"cherry red spiderman t-shirt"
"why is love so good?"
- Guess who's blog pops up as the first seach listing results.
Hey Evan,
Congratulations on yanking out your front tooth! I heard that if you place your tooth under your pillow at night, a tooth fairy will come and give you $20 for that tooth.
Good luck!
Congrats Evan! How exciting!
ps - Welcome to the blogworld. I have a whole bunch of people that subscribe to my blog, but only 1 or 2 people really comment. It does make you feel like you're talking to yourself. ;-) I hate that. :-P But I'm such a hypocrite because I rarely post comments to the blogs I subscribe to because, like mister d said, I'm too lazy. ;-)
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