So the Morris family has officially introduced its new positive reinforcement program today: Morris Bucks! If the kids do certain tasks with a good attitude and without complaining (an essential caveat) they get a Morris Buck (or maybe two if it's a really big thing). Then, they can save up their Morris Bucks for different rewards (going to get ice cream, playing GameCube for 15 extra minutes, etc). Hopefully this will help them learn to be responsible and teach them to save up for the big things sometimes (getting ice cream would cost less Morris Bucks than going to McDonald's, for example) instead of going for instant gratification.
Knowing our kids, we felt this system would work better than a chart or stickers or that kind of thing because the "Bucks" are physical, tangible things that you can hold and store and count like real money. And being who we are, we had to put our own crazy spin on it and make our own money. No toy store money for us! Introducing ... Morris Bucks!!

Oh yes, Bella is the ultimate in Morris Bucks ... and we all used our superhero alteregos in case Morris Bucks get into the wrong hands somehow. :-) The kids definitely loved the customized "money" and that has energized the whole concept. We'll see how it goes!
I can see why they'd be into them! Those look RAD!
Did I just use the word Rad? Like, for real?
Can you tell I'm bored at the moment? ;-)
Hey, anytime you're bored - feel free to leave me a comment. Especially if you use the word Rad in it a couple of times!
I Love this money concept. It reminds me of when my 6th grade class played the stock market and had a checkbook. Whoever had the most money at the end of the year got a big prize. I don't remember what it was though.
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